Breastfeeding 101

Cross cradle and shove your breast in her mouth

Don’t force your breast in her mouth, she knows how to latch

Babies know how to feed from the moment they’re born

Feeding is a learned skill for you and your baby

Keep her nose out from your breast so she can breathe

Don’t worry about her nose, if she can’t breathe, she’ll pull away

Use a nipple shield, they’re a godsend

I’d get rid of the nipple shield if I were you

She’s definitely a baby who likes to suck, give her a dummy

Kiss feeding goodbye if you introduce a dummy

Don’t worry about dehydration, she looks great

She’s put weight on but not enough

You’ll need to express or introduce formula

Don’t express or top up, your milk supply will drop

Wake her every few hours to feed

Let her sleep, she’ll wake when she’s hungry

She needs to learn how to self settle

She’s too young for a routine

If feeding’s a struggle, you need to stop for your own mental health

Push through, breast is best

Use round teats

Use flat teats

Don’t weigh her regularly, there’s no need

Should we weigh again in a couple of days?

Let’s weigh her nappies too

Use a syringe for top ups instead of a bottle

Syringes impact the anatomy of the mouth

Those pumps aren’t strong enough, you need hospital grade

That machine is too strong

Hold her behind the neck

Avoid the neck, she needs to be able to move her head

Feed on demand

Don’t feed more than three hourly or she’ll get reflux

She’s fussing because your flow is too fast

She’s fussing because she’s not getting milk fast enough

Expressing will increase your supply

You can’t keep expressing, it’s not sustainable

Has she got a tongue tie?

Tongue ties don’t impact feeding

You don’t need a wide mouth

Compress your breast like a burger and wait until her mouth is wide

Breastfeeding is so natural

Breastfeeding is a huge challenge

Get help

Don’t get help, follow your instincts

Co sleep for attachment

Don’t co sleep, she could die

How do you feel it’s going Bec?

Be honest.

Bec Oldmeadow



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